Wisdom From a 76-Year-Old Pastor and Marriage Counselor

I spoke to a 76-year-old man the other day. He was a minister and a marriage counselor for 45 years. He told me that the first 12 years of his marriage counseling experience, he couldn’t believe how bad all the men were. One day he started all his initial counseling session with the question, “How is your relationship with your spouse?” He would ask the husband first and then the wife. What he found out was eye-opening.
All of the husbands would answer the question by saying everything is OK. The wife, on the contrary would mention every single one of the man’s “faults” to a tee including anything and everything that was not under either of their control.
He also said how the wife would use the word, “enough” as part of her complain. They would say, “He doesn’t love me enough.”, “He doesn’t spend enough time with kids” and the dreaded, “He doesn’t give me enough attention.”
When he’d ask the wife, “What is enough?” They would almost always reply, “More than he is doing now”. When he asked the wives what their solution was. The answer was almost always be, “Divorce”. Just imagine that, they would think that the solution to not spending “enough” time with the kids, was a permanent dismissal from the home.

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