How the Great Reset Is a Plot of the Ultra Wealthy: Michael Walsh | Shorts | Crossroads

Title: How the Great Reset Is a Plot of the Ultra Wealthy: Michael Walsh | Shorts | Crossroads

Created On: November 23, 2022 at 10:00AM

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The “Great Reset” being pushed by the World Economic Forum is a tyrannical plan being advanced by the ultra-wealthy, according to Michael Walsh, and the COVID-19 pandemic is being regarded as an opportunity to implement it. The freedom of the world is at stake, and already agendas tied to it have undermined basic rights of people around the world, says Walsh, author, filmmaker, and editor of “Against the Great Reset: Eighteen Theses Contra the New World Order.”

We speak with Michael Walsh about the level of influence at the World Economic Forum, what their policies are, and why he and others are taking a stance against the “Great Reset.”

🔴 THE FINAL WAR is a documentary that uncovers the Chinese Communist Party’s 100-year plot to defeat America.👉👉

🔴 A Documentary by The Epoch Times, reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people.👉👉

🔴 The Real Story DVD: , Promo Code “EpochTV” for 20% off.

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How the Great Reset Is a Plot of the Ultra Wealthy: Michael Walsh | Shorts | Crossroads
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