A MGTOW Public Service Announcement.

Now a word from our members
A MGTOW Public Service Announcement.
It’s important to remember… MGTOW is not an organization or political movement… it’s a philosophy. Chief amongst it’s beliefs is that men do not need a woman or a gynocentric society to determine their value. MGTOW are men who determine their own value by their own yard stick of personal achievement based on their life…not anyone else’s.
MGTOW are Black, White, Asian, and Brown. They’re conservative and liberal. They’re of many different religions. Because of these cultural, racial and societal differences… MGTOW disagree on many things. However, at the core…all know that feminism and everything spawned from it is cancer.
An essential element of MGTOW is ghosting… that means…in its simplest form… being invisible. The best defense against narcissistic women who want to entrap you and abuse your emotions is to avoid them… period. Feminists cannot attack what they cannot see.
The best way to avoid society pressuring you into gynocentric woman worship is to be invisible while doing your own thing. Avoiding vagina worship is a core survival skill here. Just as important is to avoid associating with men who worship vaginas… whether they’re tradcons, liberal white knights, PUAs, or just thirsty simps.
We don’t need protests…we don’t need petitions… we don’t need advocacy… MGTOW only need to back away from commitment to narcissistic, abusive, and manipulative women and do our own thing. MGTOW understand that… often… natural consequences are far worse than any consequence that we would bring to the table.
MGTOW understand that time is a non-renewable resource… so we should focus it on ourselves and our individual happiness… rather than waste it arguing with a woman who will never get it… or who cannot accept truthful criticism of her own problems. MGTOW understand that political protests in the name of men’s rights… don’t work. It’s better to ghost and let nature take its course.
Educate yourself… read. Learn a new skill… or hone an old one. Teach your brothers about things you know… these things are the best way to strengthen our MGTOW community… be the example for others to follow.
MGTOW understand that because we’re smart enough to avoid the rigged game of marriage… commitment… and the politics surrounding it… gynocentric hypocrites will constantly attack us. MGTOW know the best response to this is to ghost away and disappear… one cannot attack what they cannot see.
MGTOW are not alone… the brothers who follow this philosophy grow daily…as more men are red pilled and realize that today’s women are unable to make the lifelong commitment of marriage and often cannot even commit to a monogamous dating relationship.
MGTOW is the natural consequence of feminist policies…as long as they continue to discriminate against men…MGTOW will grow.
So brothers…no matter where you are…what you do in life…support each other…make sure, in times of crisis, our brothers in need know they’re not alone and there’s life after gynocentrism and that it’s worth living…because at the end of the day…Ghosting…doing our own thing…and supporting each other…is the best defense against gynocentric hypocrisy. We’re men…as such…we’re strong enough to overcome any obstacle we set our minds to.

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