Today’s Woman in a Nutshell

Today’s Woman in a Nutshell
Women today are so demanding and unforgiving with their ultra high, wants, needs and desires that are on fantasy levels and have never been attained before in her lifetime.  They are not satisfied with a man just liking them, they want love, and not only love on a scale never before experienced, they want their man to be in love with them and constantly prove it under any and all conditions. A woman will test that “love” with every trick she has. In her way, she is saying, “Love me even though I kicked you in your balls”. To her that is unconditional love. If you try to explain to her that the love that she demands is developed over many years and does not come in a packet of instant love (just add water), she will instantly think that you are weaseling out of your duty to be in love with her while passing all her tests. At this point, she will pacify you and keep you happy until she finds another man to start the process off from the beginning.
She will have many other demands that she wants of her “little performing monkey”, but she will never tell him what she wants, she will just hint.
Over and over again I hear women and some men make the statement that the key to a good relationship is communication, but the woman is guilty of the breakdown because she communicates in hints.
You are just another resource to her as she is looking to monkey branch to the next unsuspecting guy she finds.
Finding a replacement guy for her is easy as she can easily find some guy to believe her one sided tales of your abusive ways. The new guy will immediately believe her and her alone as he ignore the other side of the story. He falsely feels good as her new protector and she feels protected that this new guy believes her and her alone.
When and if she finds the person that knows what she wants, and bends over backwards to give her that .

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