Questions For Divorced Women

Questions For Divorced Women
Would you still love your mother and father if they made less money than you do?
Would you still love your sons and daughters if they made less money than you do?
Would you still love your aunts and uncles if they made less money than you do?
Would you still love your cousins if they made less money than you do?
Would you still love your brothers and sisters if they made less money than you do?
Then why won’t you love the man that you promised to love and cherish until death due you two apart?
Why do you punish your own children by taking the most important man away from them when their father loses a job?
Why do you use the police, lawyers and judges to break that man down when he does not fulfill every single one of your fantasies and cannot provide for your every want, need, desire and emotion on a silver platter, when, where and how you want it?
Why do you chose to hate and not love the hand that fed you!
Why do you exclude your love from the man you promised to love?

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