MEN, Stop Settling In Dating And LIFE. Here’s how (6 TRUTHS) – (From: Man Reacts)

Title: MEN, Stop Settling In Dating And LIFE. Here’s how (6 TRUTHS)

Created On: November 19, 2022 at 02:00PM

From: Man Reacts

MEN, Stop Settling In Dating And LIFE. Here’s how (6 TRUTHS)

#redpill #datingadviceformen #hypergamy
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Let’s talk about some important truths that all men need to know if they want any success in relationships and life.

You know, a majority of guys never find the success they want. They settle for what they currently have, whether it’s in dating, family, careers, or business. There’s only a select few of them who really find their footing, succeed, and keep their momentum.

It basically comes down to accepting some uncomfortable truths.
When you can accept and face the harsh reality, you start to live a more comfortable life as a man. Although society will never want to acknowledge these realities, we all know that they are the truth.

Let’s talk about these realities.
Most of the time, the reality you’re trying to avoid is the reality you really need to accept in order to get going. It is only by walking down that dark and murky road, you will feel confident and led by purpose, particularly in terms of dating.

People get into serious commitments without ever thinking rationally. They are never able to deal with the negative impacts or their partner’s actions. And what happens then? Both the husband and the wife have a wretched life.

You will pay a high price for ignorance and unawareness in life, and dating is no exception. Having said that, let’s look at six raw truths that men should be aware of in order to lead a better life.
You should become accustomed to these truths, particularly if you experience victimization in your dating life. You can either come to terms with these things or choose to deny them. But you can never get rid of them because they are real.

These videos are not an encouragement for viewers to go and harass these people. The videos are for entertainment purposes only and I do not condone any such harassment or hate.

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