Her Insecurities Defined

Her Insecurities Defined
Women’s primary concern is her personal security. With that in mind, she is born insecure. They are not insecure like us men are, their insecurities are on a different level then men. They are constantly looking for an external source for their security. Men on the other hand, deep down know that they need to conquer their own insecurities.
Some women look for men with money. That is the easiest way to measure security. Those women choose the easy route. Other women look for emotionally weaker men to contrast themselves, making sure they are better than that guy. That, less than desirable guy, compared to her makes her feel good about herself. It’s like the hot girl that has a fat and ugly female friend to make the comparison even greater. She looks better compared to her friend. The ugly girl has a friend she can trust because neither of them are competing for the same man. The ugly girl gets to talk to the pretty girl’s leftovers that she would never have if she was alone. Both of those girls will try to sabotage the other’s relationships to keep their owe security in place.

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